Student Wellbeing

Our school uses the student support framework of Living Well, Learning Well as part of the Catholic Schools Office Diocese of Armidale.

A universal and unconditional positive regard for children and young people, and a high regard for the collective capacity of a school staff team to increase learning, wellbeing, life-opportunity outcomes for children and young people. 

This is founded in evidence-based high impact approaches to improving conditions of learning, teaching, well being and faith development for children and young people promoting the following:

  • Student-centered pedagogy
  • Connection and participation
  • Working in teams and developing teams
  • Inclusion: maximising access and opportunity for all students
  • Case management and intervention
  • Multi-tiered systems of support for academic, positive behaviour and wellbeing domains

Our school supports positive, productive behaviour and high expectations with an emphasis on learning.

We have a shared goal that all children are safe, valued, respected and cared for, and esteemed and supported as learners.